The Sister-in-Law Who Complains: Before, During and After

What to do about the sister-in-law who complains before, during and after the wedding? I stumbled on this post and realised how ridiculous the whole thing was. It's nice to be validated, especially when one has gone through some kind of traumatic event such as wedding planning. 

For the reception, my partner and I sat my sister-in-law in a table filled with her first cousins from out of town. She complained during the reception (thankfully not to us) that she thought her own cousins were a boring bunch. Hmm... The day after, when we went to my mother-in-law's for lunch, she made it known that we could have done better with the seating planning. Mind you, this was just before we headed off to our honeymoon. If not for my partner who assured me not to worry it because it had been his responsibility to seat his family appropriately, I would've gone into anxiety-mode. 

In hindsight, I think that it was completely tactless and wrong for her to whine. She's an accomplished and successful lawyer who was raised in a privileged environment  immersed in the observance of social etiquette. Ah, that was a mouthful! Hehe... My point is that she should have known to behave better. I'm supposed to be the one who behaves clumsily, erratically and inappropriately. Because I hadn't had the same privileged upbringing. Yet, as time passes, and after having had the opportunity to live in different parts of the world, I'm finding this observation holds less and less verity.

This sister-in-law also complained about the music (which I chose and loved!), and God knows what else. Being the person that I am - anxious, wanting to please - I tried my best to accommodate every directive that I could humanly accommodate during the wedding. If she chose not to enjoy herself, it was her fault completely. It was her choice! That's right, folks, wedding guests, invitees, etc, you have a choice as to whether or not you're going to enjoy yourself. This is true for life, it's true for weddings!

My response: Other people had lots of fun. They thought it was a terrific night. So there!

She also whinged about some spelling mistakes or other in the church programs, saying she had to make up a great portion of her reading. Sure, okay, there were misprints but not enough for her to have to divine a whole section of the Bible.


No "thank you for the honour of choosing me as your reader". No "congratulations on your wedding". No "you look nice" (even if just to be polite). Nada!

You've got to have a good laugh.

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